The following resources are key sources of information on the research and findings of the cutting edge mental health treatments and programs that form the basis of the PIER Model.
- Multifamily Groups in the Treatment of Severe Psychiatric Disorders, William R. McFarlane, M.D. – This book serves as the principal text for learning about MFG in treatment of youth mental illness and is an indispensable resource for those training in Family Psychoeducation. Dr. William McFarlane and his colleagues present the foundations for the multifamily group model, instructions for forming groups and managing treatment, and applications for the model to a variety of mental disorders.
- The Psychosis-Risk Syndrome Handbook for Diagnosis and Follow-Up. Thomas McGlashan, M.D., Barbara Walsh, Ph.D., and Scott Woods, M.D. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN: 9780199733316.
- Donald E. Addington, McKenzie E., Norman R., Wang J., Bond G.R. Essential evidence-based components of first-episode psychosis services. Psychiatr Serv. 2013; 64(5): 452-457.
- Steven Adelsheim, and Graeber, D. Introduction to the Special Issue: Youth at Risk for Psychosis. Adolescent Psychiatry, 2012; 2: 109-111.
- Andreas Bechdolf, Wagner M., Ruhrmann S., Harrigan S., Putzfeld V., Pukrop R., Brockhaus-Dumke A., Berning J., Janssen B., Decker P., Bottlender R., Maurer K., Möller H.J., Gaebel W., Häfner H., Maier W., Klosterkötter J. Preventing progression to first-episode psychosis in early initial prodromal states. Br. J. Psychiatry. 2012; 200(1): 22-29.
- Tyrone D. Cannon, Cadenhead K., Cornblatt B., Woods S.W., Addington J., Walker E., Seidman L.J., Perkins D., Tsuang M., McGlashan T., Heinssen R. Prediction of psychosis in youth at high clinical risk: a multisite longitudinal study in North America. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008; 65(1): 28-37.
- Paolo Fusar-Poli, Borgwardt S., Bechdolf A., Addington J., Riecher-Rössler A., Schultze-Lutter F., Keshavan M., Wood S., Ruhrmann S., Seidman L.J., Valmaggia L., Cannon T., Velthorst E., De Haan L., Cornblatt B., Bonoldi I., Birchwood M., McGlashan T., Carpenter W., McGorry P., Klosterkötter J., McGuire P., Yung A. The Psychosis High-Risk State: A Comprehensive State-of-the-Art Review. JAMA Psychiatry. 2013; 70(1): 107-120.
- Mark van der Gaag, Smita, F., Bechdolfe, A., French P., Linszeng, D.H., Yungf, A.R., McGorryh, P., and Cuijpersa, P. Preventing a first episode of psychosis: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled prevention trials of 12month and longer-term follow-ups. Schizophrenia Research, September 2013; 149(1-3): 56–62.
- William R. McFarlane, Susser E., McCleary R., Verdi M., Lynch S., Williams D., McKeague I.W. Reduction in Incidence of Hospitalizations for Psychotic Episodes Through Early Identification and Intervention. Psychiatric Service. 2014; 65(10): 1194-200.
- William R. McFarlane, Levin B., Travis L., Lucas F.L., Lynch S., Verdi M., Williams D., Adelsheim S., Calkins R., Carter C.S., Cornblatt B., Taylor S.F., Auther A.M., McFarland B., Melton R., Migliorati M., Niendam T., Ragland J.D., Sale T., Salvador M., Spring E. Clinical and functional outcomes after 2 years in the early detection and intervention for the prevention of psychosis multisite effectiveness trial. Schizophr Bull. 2015; 41(1): 30-43.
- William R. McFarlane, Cook W.L., Downing D., Verdi M.B., Woodberry K.A., Ruff A. Portland identification and early referral: a community-based system for identifying and treating youths at high risk of psychosis. Psychiatr Serv. 2010; 61(5): 512-515.
- William R. McFarlane, Lynch, S. and Melton, R. Family Psychoeducation in Clinical High Risk and First-Episode Psychosis. Adolescent Psychiatry. Adolescent Psychiatry. 2012; 2(2): 182-194.
- William R. McFarlane, Cornblatt, B. and Carter, C.S. Early Intervention in Psychosis: Rationale, Results and Implications for Treatment of Adolescents at Risk. Adolescent Psychiatry. 2012; 2(2): 125-139.
- William R. McFarlane, Cook, W.L., Downing, D., Ruff, A., Lynch, S., Adelsheim, S., Calkins, R., Carter, C.S., Cornblatt, B. and Milner, K. Early Detection, Intervention, and Prevention of Psychosis Program: Rationale, Design, and Sample Description. Adolescent Psychiatry, 2012; 2(2): 112-124.
- Anita Ruff, McFarlane, W.R., Downing, D., Cook, W. and Woodberry, K.A. Community Outreach and Education Model for Early Identification of Mental Illness in Young People. Adolescent Psychiatry. 2012; 2(2): 140-145.
- Megan R. Stafford, Hannah Jackson, Evan Mayo-Wilson, Anthony P. Morrison, and Tim Kendall. Early interventions to prevent psychosis: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2013: 346.
- The NASMHPD Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) virtual resource center provides reliable information for practitioners, policymakers, individuals, families, and communities, to enable more widespread adoption and utilization of early intervention programming for persons at risk for (or experiencing a first episode of) psychosis.
- The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation webpage that discusses findings from the Portland Identification and Early Referral (PIER) Program and the Early Detection and Intervention for the Prevention of Psychosis Program (EDIPPP).
- Preventing the Onset of Severe Mental Illness: Lessons Learned – There is growing evidence to show that severe mental illness can be prevented or treated more effectively through early detection and treatment. Launched in 2007 at six sites across the country, EDIPPP has gathered evidence to show the value of engaging communities toward preventing severe mental illness in young people. Hear from one young woman about her journey through the EDIPPP program and how the intervention changed her life and set her on a path to help others facing similar situations. Published on May 6, 2013.
- PIER Portland Identification and Early Referral – Identifying teens at risk for psychosis can prevent the onset of mental illness. Published on Apr 9, 2009.
- Schizophrenia Prevention and Early Psychosis Treatment – Teens and families talk about the early signs of psychosis and schizophrenia. Experts talk about how new treatment plans are preventing schizophrenia. An overview of the Main Medical Center PIER program for treatment of early psychosis treatment and schizophrenia prevention. Published on May 8, 2012.
- Schizophrenia Explained – This video is an educational overview of schizophrenia featuring William McFarlane, M.D. and other mental health professionals. (Approximately 1 hour.)
- Staying Sane May Be Easier Than You Think – Time Magazine, June 2009.